Inspiring real action – Associations acting for sustainability – Part 1

My recent article on opportunities for associations highlights the key role they can play in cutting emissions and reducing impact of climate change. Now I’ve identified actions taken by Australian associations – large and small. The series is designed to inspire and cajole all associations to lift their game with real actions for clear impact, now. Readers [...]

2021-09-29T05:59:00+10:00September 23rd, 2021|Associations, Climate Action, Sustainability|0 Comments

Professional Alliances vs Sector Associations. Splinters or unity?

When associations are not taking the lead, there are instances of alliances forming to fill their place and possibly become rivals. In the case of addressing climate change and emissions, there is now a growing number of splinter alliances, with concerned individuals banding together offering a voice, planning, communications and assistance programs. In these times [...]

2020-12-15T06:55:24+10:00December 15th, 2020|Associations, Climate Action, Climate change|0 Comments

Associations – Opportunities and Director Responsibilities with Climate Change

A quiet evolution is underway in association board rooms around Australia. An increasing number of associations are recognising the impacts of climate change, and the challenges and opportunities for their members in reducing emissions and risks. Some are being pushed by their members, some by member splinter groups, and others informed by competitors or [...]

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