Interview with Alexandre Dangis, MD and Founder European Plastics Converters

(‘converters’ are manufacturers who make finished or semi-finished products, such as parts for vacuum cleaners, sometimes on behalf of brand owners) Alexandre Dangis is another key strategist and influencer in Europe and until 2018 was also the MD of Plastics Recycler’s Europe. He makes some astonishing revelations on the fact that the EU plastics recyclers [...]

2020-11-04T01:36:56+10:00August 31st, 2018|Churchill Fellowship, Recycling|0 Comments

Interview with Hugo-Maria Schally, Head of Unit, Circular Economy Strategy, European Commission (EUC)

Hugo Schally is a seasoned negotiator of policies that deliver results. With colleagues in governments and industry he has helped steer Europe to be a world leader on Circular Economy policies, strategies, regulations, targets and effective measures. From introducing the EU Ecolabel for products, to bans on bags and straws, it has been a long [...]

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